Kids Programs
Dolphin/Hammerhead Kids Summer Camp Dates 2024
10:00AM – 3:00PM Monday – Thursday
$165 Per Camper

- May 28-31 (Tues-Fri)
- Jun 3-6
- Jun 10-13
- Jun 17-20
- Jun 24-27
- July 8-11
- Jul 22-25
- Jul 29-Aug 1

Explore the Depths
Morning Activities– Snorkeling Skills
- Review Of Swim Strokes
- Proper Snorkeling Techniques
- Entries and Exits
- Rescue Skills
- Games and Challenges

Lunch– Children should bring their own bagged lunches. A refrigerator is available. There is also a Coke Machine with drinks for $1 each.

Explore the Depths
Afternoon Activities– Discover Scuba
- Review of Scuba Skills
- Proper Diving Techniques
- Entries and Exits
- Games and Challenges
- All children must be able to swim the length of the pool.
- All children must have mask, fins and snorkel appropriate for the class – Check with instructor.
- Bathing Suit, Towel, Blanket, and Lunch.
- No children with Asthma or Epilepsy may do Scuba for safety.
Junior & Teen Scuba Diver Summer Certification Camps Age 10-16, 2024

$450 per diver Includes eLearning
Basic Gear $275- $550
Explore the Depths
Morning Session
This will be the academic portion of the NAUI Scuba Diver Course. The course work will be the same content as our regular scuba class but will be geared down towards younger divers. We hope to present the material in a manner that will be more understandable to younger divers. The pace will be slower than our regular class to allow more one on one attention and explanation. Topics covered will include equipment, equipment maintenance, dive science, dive tables, diving emergencies,
dive planning and the environment

Lunch– Divers should bring their own bagged lunches. There is a Coke Machine with drinks for $.75 each. Campers should bring a blanket to warm up.

Explore the Depths
Afternoon Session
For additional information please contact Seven Seas.